The values of H.O.P.E. are represented in our acronym:
Healing, Overcoming, Praying, Educating.
H.O.P.E. After-School is an outreach of Sacred Road Ministries to the children of the Yakama Nation. Our goal is to provide Christ centered homework and education assistance to students. Currently, H.O.P.E. focuses on the fifth and sixth graders of Harrah Elementary. The hope is for our program to grow to assist students in multiple grades across the elementary school, and possibly even expand to serve other schools across the reservation.
We aim to build healthy relationships with our students. Statistically, students who have been abused or let down by adults in their lives need a safe environment where they can trust adults. That bridging of safe adults and kids is a primary focus of HOPE. Additionally, we want to build a healthy relationship between our students and the Church itself.
Life on the reservation is incredibly dangerous for our students. Many of them are living without regular food or water, many more living under the same roof as dangerous adults. When you are faced with these circumstances, school becomes a secondary concern. As such, the odds are heavily against the students in favor of succeeding or even caring about school. HOPE wants to aid the students in overcoming these obstacles and succeeding in their educational endeavors.
One of the most important values of HOPE is to bring prayer and the gospel into the center of these students’ lives. Scripture will take a front seat in every meeting we hold. We are very aware of the fact that we cannot succeed without the power of prayer. Both from within our program and from individuals partnering with us around the world.
It may seem counterintuitive to put "educating" at the end, but there is a good reason for it. Without the healing power of the gospel and a genuine love of learning, our students will not have the hope they need for the future. We absolutely want our students to succeed in school but much more so, we want them to love the church and love the idea of learning something new. Those are our two primary goals if nothing else.
Our Approach
Our approach, put simply, can be divided into two categories.
Homework Help: Here, we focus on helping students with their assignments. We hope to give them the confidence to reach the educational goals of their teachers.
Engaging Activities: We know that children often learn best when they are also having a blast! We do funny, science experiments, art projects, spelling bees, and more to make learning fun and interactive for the students.
If you want to know more contact the director, Trey Belisario, at